Uthiraa Mahalingam Arithu Developed by SiteStitch

The World That Exists In Your Eyes

Laying on the grass, feeling the dew drops soaking our clothes, we stare at the sky. So many stars twinkling above us and I can’t stop the first verse of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars” from invading my mind and playing itself on loop. It’s the only verse that the world is now familiar with. My recent discovery of the full poem nags my mind. The stars do shine for us, don’t they? Show us the glimpses of the world around us when everything is too dark. Laying beside with my mind racing with thoughts, filled up and overflowing, I turn to look at you. The dim lights cast upon your skin, making you glow like the moon, a glow that’s bright but dim enough for you to see the source, unlike the sun that burns and hides behind its brightness. I see you, like I could see the moon and feel the cool breeze even when the weather is warmer. You look up at the stars, gazing just like I had been, but with a smile unlike I did. I wonder what you see. Does your mind nag at you with things you learned and things you are curious about? What do you see?

“What do you see?” I ask. Your smile stretches a little more and your eyes crinkle. You look at me with a smile and turn back to gaze at the stars. You always do that. Warm me up with your best smiles like I deserve the very best. Like I am worth all the best things in the world. Like there exists only the best of things in this world. I sometimes wonder if we are living in the same world.

“What kind of world would you like to see?” You ask like you live in my mind watching as my thoughts form like the clouds and take shape as the words. How do you do that? Are you even real?

“The one that exists in your eyes,” you smile more than I believed you could and close your eyes. What are you thinking? Did I make you smile? Was the reason for your precious smile? You’re filling me with hope, like the stars do by shining and glowing, lighting up the world. Hope that I am something to someone. 

You gaze at the stars but I can’t do that when the moon next to me is glowing and all I can do is be allured and stare. You don’t get it, do you? But that’s okay. I get it and that seems enough for now, maybe even forever. If I am going to live this long life anyways and if I get to live it with you in mine, then I would like to live my life in a world that you live in. The one that makes you laugh and smile most of the time, unlike me. A world that gives you and lets you take more than you ask for, unlike mine, only ever taking. I do not know if I am part of your world or if you are part of mine, but I would like to believe that I am part of your giving world, believe that your world gave me to you. Because I wouldn’t want mine to take you away from me.

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