Uthiraa Mahalingam Arithu Developed by SiteStitch
Author / Uthiraa Mahalingam

Dear me,

May, 30th, 2021 I sat at the end of the bed staring into my laptop. I had work to do. I liked the work I was doing, I believed so. But I didn’t like working. I felt like I was wasting time whenever I deviated from myself. My mind was in such a haze all...
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“Best way to avoid complications, avoid temporary people!!” the chat bubble read. I looked at it and thought to myself, “Really? Is that possible?” However I went about it, I couldn’t come up with a scenario where avoiding people that could be temporary was possible. How would you know who was going to stay and...
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What do People Want??

I recount that I was roughly 18 or 19 years old when I read Eleven minutes by Paulo Coelho. It was a story about a young brazilian girl who wants to see the world and leaves her home to go to Geneva, Switzerland in hopes of great adventures and finding true love. Her situation gets...
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She sat there running her hand through her short hair. It would flop over her forehead with pretty waves and she enjoyed the feeling. Her eyes were fixed on the wall, while she sat on the bench, crossing her leg over the other, hunching. She was trying to write her feelings about the watch that...
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Oh dear wherever you go,My love will only grow.Fly up in the sky,I will wave from the mountain high.Dive deep into the ocean,I will wait on the shore with devotion.Conquer all the land,As your guard, I will stand. My love will not be thinnedIf you let me go with the wind.I will not fall and...
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One would have thought that it was a lifeless doll if it wasn’t for her thumbs swiping across the brightly lit screen of her smartphone. Lea was scrolling through her Instagram. It was way past bedtime but her eyes were nothing less than fresh. The room was eerily dark except for the light from her...
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